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Saturday, January 1, 2011

2012 shelters and bunkers - Uber cool survival homes !!!!

Today the 1st of January 2011, takes us a year closer to the doomsday prediction of 2012. The end of the world is closer than we can imagine. Simply put , it means that all of us , or most of us, are going to experience a quick and easy death, is there anything more that one could have wished for ?? Unfortunateley, Yes. There are a lot of people in the world who want to survive the apocalypse and experience the suferring that will come after that. They want to build shelters and stock it up with food and supplies so that they can live longer , until they die of natural causes. And if economics has taught us anything , it is this - Wherever there is demand , there will be supply, Proven very true by a few handful of companies that design and build bomb sheleters. 

According to experts these shelters will need to survive :

  • 3-Bars blast overpressure of 45 psi
  • Force 10 earthquakes in succession
  • 450 mph winds
  • Extreme gamma & neutron attenuation from a 100 megaton air burst detonated 20 miles away
  • Solar flares with 1,000,000 volt EMP
  • Flooding (complete submersion for 100 hours)
  • Extreme external fires at 1250 F for 10 days
  • Magnetic pole shift
  • Radiological, chemical and biological weapons
  • Forced entry and armed assaults
  • 12' of snow and 10' of rain
  • 500 lb. hail stones or flying debris at a speed of 100 mph
And after all that is over there is no guarantee that the earth will still exist, or if there will remain an environment that will be fit for human habitation. So that means even if you survive the peak of disaster after spending many years of a good life and a lot of hard earned money , there is nothing as good as money in the bank or civilisation that will be left to enjoy anyways.

Many of these companies are either run or owned by people who made their fortune by building bomb shelters and bunkers during the cold war and also after the USA dropped the H-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I took it upon myself to try and make a list of Companies that are making shelters designed specifically for the 2012 apocalypse.

So first of all I am going to send all of these companies an e-mail , asking them about :
• The price for the smallest shelter that they have available at the cheapest price
• The time they will take to build the same
• How soon can they begin construction if I make a payment tomorrow.
• A photo or drawing of the proposed structure and the material they will use.
• A link where I could see a prospectus

After that I am going to post these details on this blog here .
I am also going to be looking at the response time for their e-mail to come back to me.

Requested a quote from : at 19:19 hours Jan 1 2011 (GMT) at 19:31 hours Jan 1 2011 (GMT) at 19:31 hours Jan 1 2011 (GMT) also known as radius engeneering at 19:31 hours Jan 1 2011 (GMT) at 19:31 hours Jan 1 2011 (GMT) at 19:31 hours Jan 1 2011 (GMT) at 19:35 hours Jan 1 2011 (GMT)

Check back soon for developments.

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