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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Internet Hoaxes : Adam Sandler dies

So most people will read the title of this blog and think "WOW", now that is exactly the kind of reaction I would like to get with each and every post on this blog. I am not going to limit this blog to any particular kind of content . Here you can read about anything and everything that exists , had existed or will exist - only it has to be really amazing and should really be fascinating. Here you will get details of anything and everything that is new and thought provoking.

And by the way , did you hear ? Adam Sandler died !!! Well that's not true, in fact it's a hoax and not the first time that something like this has happened. The internet has made the world a very well connected place. Where any information and disinformation can be spread just the same. The most common of hoaxes are spread through chain emails. A classic example of a hoax emails is one which informs you that a child has been injured or on the verge of death BUT you can help save them if you forward the e-mail , because some company is tracking that e-mail and will pay to the benefit of the child for every e-mail forwarded.

Another way that hoaxes are spread is by the misuse of PR and press services on the internet, someone who may be a legitimate journalist and is using these websites to find leads for a story may pick on the wrong information probably uploaded by a prankster.This misinformation when reported in an actual press report receives credibility and spreads even further.

The recent report about Adam Sandler's death stated that the comedian died while vacationing in Switzerland. It said that "Adam Sandler lost control of his snowboard and struck a tree at a high rate of speed", "he was air lifted by ski patrol teams to a local hospital, however, it is believed that the actor died instantly from the impact of the crash. The actor was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident and drugs and alcohol do not appear to have played any part in his death. "

Hoaxes that inform of the death of a celebrity are now becoming an everyday issue, A couple of days agao the same hoax was perpetuated about Charlie Sheen . Other celebrities to have been killed by these rumours include Morgan Freeman, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Eminem and the late Michael Jackson.

What are your opinions about theses celebrity death hoaxes ?

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